ASTMH Annual Meeting 2024
blogScience Advocacy: It’s Everyone’s Job
By: Rebecca Mandt, Phd Candidate, Harvard University

The COVID-19 pandemic has driven home how important it is for scientists to engage with the public. The ASTMH symposium, “Washington, DC: The Intersection of Science Advocacy, Policy and Social Media,” provided attendees with details on why it is so critical that the voice of scientists and researchers are heard right now, tips on meeting with members of Congress, effectively communicating scientific concepts (without jargon!), and utilizing social media to reach a broader audience. While the current climate of misinformation may make it feel like the public is against us, according to a recent opinion poll from Research!America, the vast majority of adults in the U.S. agree that the COVID-19 pandemic “requires an urgent refocusing of America’s commitment to science.” It falls on all of us to leverage that sentiment to promote public investment in science and global health. As ASTMH CEO Karen Goraleski notes, “every member of the research community should be doing their part, big or small, to help members of the public, the media, and policymakers better understand the value of what you do and most importantly how it relates to them.”
More Information:!/9181/session/230
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